From two months old, take puppy out every 2-3 hours. Your puppy is like a new baby, it’s bladder is small and it needs to go more frequently. You can add an hour for every month and once they hit 6 months 6-8 hours is fine.
You can do something fun like put a bell by the door and use their paw to ring the bell before going out. This will train them to ring the bell to let you know it’s potty time.
Be sure to take puppy out after meal time, after nap time and play time. Again, they do not know your expectations. If you see an accident on the floor but did not see your puppy do it, just pick it up and clean the mess. We recommend Biodeodorizer Spray which contains enzymes to eliminate stains and odors from organic matter. If your pup is caught going potty, firmly and loudly say, “NO!” then pick them up and take them to the correct place to go.
Give lots of “YAY’S” and “Good puppy!!” for a job well done! It will take consistency, patience and love on your part to ensure your pet knows what you want of him. Together, with these tips to potty train your puppy, you can work together on learning this new skill to enjoy a happier and less stressful life!