All of our Rottweiler and German Shepherd breedings are well thought out with an emphasis towards producing correct structure, sound temperaments, good health and longevity. I am a member of SV (German Shepherd Dog Club of Germany), ARV (American Rottweiler Verein) and Schutzhund, USA. I am also a CGC Evaluator with AKC Canine Good Citizen program.
My love of Rottweilers came later in life, upon discovering how intelligent, extremely loyal and willing to please these dogs are.

My first exposure to Dr. Jane Bicks and her products was on QVC and Home Shopping Network. I knew from her expertise as a holistic veterinarian and the quality of ingredients she used that I wanted to use her products. I was not able to purchase her products at the time I saw her on TV and so, many years would pass until I would be re-introduced to her wonderful line.
Visit us at http://www.Vomhognadottirs.com to learn more about our dogs.
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