We live near a dirt road and although there is not much traffic, many of the cars that pass drive WAY too fast. It is for that reason and others that I have chosen to keep our dogs safe and only let them out when someone is with them.
I am going to share three stories, the stories I am about to tell are true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Just a brief period in time. I never saw a vehicle pass our house, it must have happened between the time I got up from my desk to walk to the kitchen.
Someone, I still do not know who, plowed over my poor, dear Anna and kept right on driving.
The neighbor, Mr. G helped me get her back to the house. I was so devastated!
Her boys saved the day with three teenage boys equipped with shovels, they were able to conquer the rock hard soil. We wrapped Anna in a sheet and placed her into her final resting place. She was a good girl.
She proceeded to call the cowgirl, who owned the dogs. After telling her story, the cowgirl replied "I don't have a solution, just shoot 'em."

Lack of training is one of the top 10 reasons a pet will end up in a shelter. As a breeder, it is my job to educate my clients on how to properly care for their pet. In fact, we insist on first right of refusal should our clients be unable to care for their pet. We will find a new home for them.
Sport graduated with honors from his puppy class. Is going for continued classes and learning so much! His boy is having a BLAST with his BEST FRIEND!

It sets the tone for your relationship with your pet and how the pet should or should not act around others. This relationship is important in building the bond for your pet, keeping him close.
Your dog is part of your family and should be treated as such. They are like a small child. Most would not leave their 3 year old alone in an unfenced yard without any supervision, so do not leave your dog unsupervised.

This helps keep down the population of "unwanted" animals that end up in shelters. Another top reason for animals ending up in shelters is when they have a "whoops" litter of mutt puppies.
Sterilizing your pet also improves their health and decreases the chance of testicular and ovarian cancer. So do this for their health!