Should you spay or neuter your pets?
- Spaying and neutering helps your pet live a longer, healthier life.
- Spaying and neutering reduces, or can eliminate, a number of health problems that are difficult and/or expensive to treat.
- Spaying greatly reduces the chance of mammary cancer, especially if your pet is spayed before her first estrous cycle, and also eliminates the possibility of uterine or ovarian cancer.
- Neutering will decrease the possibility of prostate disease and eliminates testicular cancer.
- Spaying and neutering makes your pet a better, more affectionate companion.
- Neutering animals makes them less likely to spray and mark territory. This is very smelly and dirty, something you certainly don't want to deal with in your home.
- Spaying a dog eliminates her heat cycle, which lasts an average of six to 12 days, twice a year. Females in heat can get blood on your furniture, exhibit nervous behavior, and attract unwanted male dogs to your home.
- Spaying a cat eliminates their urge to breed. Once the heat cycle has begun in a female cat, it will not end until she has mated. She will do anything do get bred during this time, including yowling and urinating on everything.
- Pets that are not sterilized often have more behavior and temperament problems than pets that have been spayed or neutered.
- Spaying and neutering can make animals friendlier, less likely to bite.
- Neutering makes your pet less likely to wander to look for females or get into fights. A male can smell a female in heat up to two miles away.
- Communities spend millions of dollars to control unwanted dogs and cats.
- nationwide more than 3 million cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters.
- Irresponsible breeding is the root cause of most vicious dog bites and attacks.
- Animal shelters around the country are overburdened with surplus dogs. Cats are also a huge problem because they are more difficult to adopt out.
- Stray and homeless animals get into trash containers, urinate and defecate on private lawns and/or public property, and frighten or anger people who do not understand their misery or needs.
- Some stray dogs and cats scare away or kill wildlife and birds.
You will feel better and so will your pet!